Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.- 1 Peter 4:10
AVT (Audio Visual Technology) Ministry: Volunteers are dedicated to the audio and visual needs of the Parish. Each person in this ministry configures, operates, and troubleshoots all audio/visual equipment used for recording of the various ministries.
Offertory Tabulators: Volunteers sort, count, and prepare deposits. Involves about two hours, during office hours, at an assigned time on a rotating basis.
Office Volunteers: Provide office assistance, as needed to the parish staff. Answering the phone, doing data entry, stuffing envelopes, etc.
Parish Library Committee: Volunteers assist with planning, organizing and maintaining the Parish Library.
St. Patrick Preschool: Classroom or office volunteers work hands-on with the children or in the office as needed.
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." - Hebrews 13:12
Golden Shamrocks: Adults 55 years and older gather for fun and fellowship. Volunteers help organize and plan events.
Knights of Columbus Council 8601: National, Catholic, fraternal organization dedicated to promoting the virtues of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Open to men 18 and older.
Kaycees Ladies Auxiliary: Supports the St. Patrick Knights of Columbus Council 8601, promoting good fellowship through religious and social activities and participate in council projects. Open to women 18 and older.
Receptions and Socials: Prepares for parish-wide social events and other functions. Volunteers help with food preparation, serving, and cleaning.
Scouts BSA Troop 203: Boys in 5th grade through high school learn about leadership skills and are recognized for their growth through rank advancement. The troop provides fun, adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility to help them become their best selves.
Coffee and Donuts: Hosts monthly gathers after 9:30 am Mass. Volunteers pick up and set out donuts and orange juice, make coffee and clean up. Open to adults and youth. Involves about two hours of time.
Potluck and Prayer: Join other families gathering with their children to share a potluck meal, grow in fellowship and pray together! Meets monthly from 5:30 - 7:00 PM in the Youth Formation Center. Sign ups are available online.
Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. - Psalm 103
Altar Servers: Assist the priest at Masses. Altar Servers must have received First Eucharist and be entering 3rd grade or above.
Altar Society: Assists in caring for the church, priest vestments, altar server robes, altar cloths and communion vessels. Provides hosts, sacramental wine and candles.
Children’s Choir: 3rd-9th graders sing at the 9:30am Mass, the second Sunday of the month and special occasions.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Distribute Holy Communion at Mass. Must be Confirmed and able to fully participate in the sacramental life of the Church.
Homebound Ministers: Ministers take Holy Communion (on a rotating schedule) after the 7:30am and 9:30am Masses to sick and homebound parishioners.
Lectors: Read the Word of God at Mass according to a rotating schedule. Must be Confirmed and able to fully participate in the sacramental life of the Church.
Mass Choir: Sings weekly at the 4:00pm Vigil Mass on Saturday, and on Sunday at the 7:30am, 9:30am, and the 11:30am Masses.
Resurrection Choir: Sings at parish funeral Masses. Rehearsals are held 30 minutes prior to funeral time.
Sacristans: Set up tray and Credence table before Mass; clean try and re-set after Mass. Make sure the assigned readers, ministers, and altar servers are present to serve for Mass.
Ushers: Serve as ministers of hospitality at Mass while seating parishioners, receiving offerings and aid in the communion procession.
Weekly Church Cleaning: Routine dusting and cleaning of the church to prepare for Liturgies.
He has told you what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? - Micah 6:8
Bereavement/Food for the Sick Committee: Prepares and delivers food to parishioners who are ill and in temporary need of food. The teams also meet the immediate needs of bereaved family by preparing and delivering food following the funeral.
Blood Drive Coordination Team: A blood drive is held three times a year through Our Lady of the Lake Blood Bank. Assist parishioners as they fill out forms, offer directions and refreshments.
Prison Ministry at Hunt: Assist the Catholic Chaplain at Hunt Correctional prison for men in St. Gabriel.
Respect Life Committee: Coordinates pro-life parish activities such as Baby Bottle Campaign, Born to Run and Walking with Mom’s in Need. Monthly meetings are held to pray for pro-life efforts and to plan and discuss activities.
Stitching Ministry: Meets to work on various charitable or church projects. All skill levels welcome.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Home Visits: Members go in pairs to visit individuals or families in need within our parish boundary to provide food and other aid such as rent or utility payments.
St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room: Serves lunch at the St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room two Saturdays per month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
White Oak Post Acute Care Facility: Volunteers assist wheelchair bound Catholic residents to the chapel at 9:45 a.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month. Mass or a Communion Service is celebrated at 10 a.m. Holy Communion is offered to those who are unable to attend. Involves about two hours once a month.