Sunday, September 29 - Parent/Child Orientation - 10:30 am
Sunday, October 13 - Coffee & Donut Service, Packet pick up - 10:30 am
Sunday, November 3 - Retreat - Parent/child - 10:30 am
Wednesday, November 13 - First Reconciliation - 6:30 pm
First Eucharist
Sunday, February 16 - Parent/child session - 10:30 am
Sunday, March 23 - Coffee & Donut Service, Packet pick up - 10:30 am
Sunday, April 13 - Retreat - Child - 10:30- 1:15
Sunday, April 27 - First Eucharist - 11:30 Mass
* Please let me know if there is a conflict with any of these dates. I tried to work around holidays but please let me know if I missed something. Retreat is especially important because we practice for the Sacraments.
Introduction - I am Melissa Harshbarger, the Director of Faith Formation. I love serving the families of St. Patrick and I am happy to help you prepare your child for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist!
GroupMe will be used GroupMe for reminders and resources but I will send you a reminder text the week of our meetings.
Schedule - Our meetings are scheduled for 10:30 am. We will begin right after 9:30 Mass. So if Mass is running a little late, we will wait until Mass ends. Our meeting usually ends before 11:30 Mass so that you could attend that Mass as well. Because community and service is so important, this year we will have a "packet pick-up" during Coffee and Donuts, once during First Reconciliation prep and once during First Communion prep. Families will choose one to serve and one to just come and enjoy coffee and donuts! (Kids love when they get the chance to help, so I think they will enjoy this.)
At least one parent and your child should attend all meetings (except the First Eucharist Retreat). You are welcome to bring the whole family! Siblings are always welcome! We will meet family style, meaning parents and children will meet together for one session.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children, therefore, we will help you to educate and prepare your child for the sacrament. You have already started to prepare your child for reconciliation. By correcting them when they did something wrong and by teaching them to understand what is right and wrong, you have been preparing their conscience.
Mass attendance is very important. The way you talk about and prepare for Mass is what your child will learn. More is caught than taught!
Confession - Fr. Michael hears confessions on Saturdays at 2:30. I encourage you to go!
We will have 4 lessons for First Reconciliation and 6 for First Eucharist. It's best to do these in a separate place that your child does homework. Maybe outside or in the courtyard after Mass. These are meant to be done together, parent and child. You are welcome to write down your child's answer. It does not need to be in their handwriting. If you find any typos or if something seems off or needs to be corrected, please let me know! I wrote this First Reconciliation program and you guys are the first to use it!
Learning Your Prayers the Write Way - extra resource - This is a great way for your child to learn the prayers. This papers are not required just a helpful resource.
Act of Contrition booklet - Extra resource to help your child learn the Act of Contrition. NOTE: If your child is learning a different Act of Contrition (for school or otherwise), you do not need to learn this one. Please help them learn whichever one they are learning. There are many Act of Contrition prayers and it can be a prayer spoken from the heart.
Resources that I like:
Mass journal - Every Sacred Sunday is the one I use
Bible - I love the Catholic Youth Bible or Catholic Children's Bible by St. Mary's Press
Pocket Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation by Fr. Josh Johnson and Fr. Mike Schmitz has wonderful ideas to incorporate our faith into our everyday lives.